For urgent and emergency treatment please call between 9am and 10am to be put on our daily priority list
For out of hours emergencies please call
0161 476 9651
Available from 9am to 9.30pm every day, including weekends and Bank Holidays

Est. 1975

Sammie McCormick
Dental Nurse
GDC 259883
Sammie qualified in 2015. She enjoys spending time with her young family and walks with her dog.
When Sammie’s around, there’s no quiet to be found,
Her laughter and energy truly astound.
Our dental nurse with a spark in her soul,
She brings life to the clinic, her vibe is the goal.
She’s loud, she’s wild, she’s the life of the crew,
There’s never a dull day when Sammie’s with you.
Her stories, her jokes, her unforgettable flair,
She brightens the room just by being there.
But beyond the fun and the whirlwind of cheer,
Sammie’s a mom who holds her kids dear.
To her two little stars, she’s a hero so true,
With a heart full of love in all that she’ll do.
From school drop-offs to bedtime fights,
She handles it all with courage and might.
Tickle fights, giggles, and messes galore,
Her home’s full of joy and so much more.
Though her days are a race with barely a pause,
She tackles it all without breaking a clause.
A nurse and a mother, loud and bold,
Sammie’s a treasure, pure heart and gold.
So here’s to Sammie, our whirlwind of fun,
A nurse and a mum who gets it all done.
With laughter and love, she’s one of a kind,
A louder, prouder soul, you’ll never find!